copebit is proud to announce that its colleague, Cloud and DevOps engineer Phil Wegmueller, has achieved no less than three Associate-level AWS certifications within a span of six months. AWS designed these certifications to verify and highlight the specific skillsets of its achievers. To obtain a single AWS certification, the applicant must pass a difficult scenario-based exam that requires hands-on experience to complete. Apart from that, they must also meet the prerequisites of the level they are aiming for. For the Associate level, this includes one year’s experience in problem-solving and solutions implementation for the AWS cloud. copebit is fortunate to include team members like Phil Wegmueller among our ranks and continues to encourage all members to aspire for higher certifications in their chosen fields.

Marco Kuendig

Marco is the CTO at copebit. He got nine AWS certifications. He has spent three years in Australia and has worked with AWS and DevOps technologies for the last 12 years.