Delving into Amazon DocumentDB

Delving into Amazon DocumentDB

AWS has recently announced the release of Amazon DocumentDB, a document database that offers rapid, highly available, and scalable service that is compatible with users of MongoDB applications and tools. While MongoDB is a popular database for storing and managing...
Simplifying Networks with Amazon Transit Gateway

Simplifying Networks with Amazon Transit Gateway

As workloads grow in number over time, one needs to keep pace by scaling their networks over numerous accounts and Amazon Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs). That can be done by peering VPCs together, but without the capacity to manage connectivity policies in one place,...
Managing Cloud Resources with AWS Predictive Scaling

Managing Cloud Resources with AWS Predictive Scaling

Machine Learning helps AWS determine when spikes in resource demands will occur  Predictive scaling is a new feature designed for AWS Auto Scaling groups to make enterprise cloud environments more efficient. With AWS Auto Scaling, AWS can track and adjust your compute...